East Gippsland Home and Lifestyle

PAGE 18 | Home&Lifestyle The man for your skylight Ever considered a skylight? Michael Nelson from MAN Plumbing and Roofing offers a unique, quick and clean option to brighten up your home. MAN Plumbing and Roofing installs Illume, which has a range of products that are modern, easily installed and a clean alternative to the traditional skylight. Traditional skylights are great for bringing natural light into your home, however can come with a host of problems, including being difficult and expensive to install, require holes in roofs that often leak, fill up with bugs, mould and condensation, are only available on upper levels and often get damaged in hail storms. Illume, however, is easier and neater to install. Unlike a traditional skylight, room temperature is not compromised by a shaft breaking the integrity of insulation against external conditions, reducing heat transfer. This makes Illume energy efficient adding to utility cost savings and less emissions. Michael has more than over 35 years of local plumbing and roofing experience and is pleased to be appointed as an accredited distributor and installer for Illume. He services throughout Gippsland from Drouin to the border. Illume skylights make a dramatic effect to any dark spot in your house, as shown by these before and after images. (PS) For more information, please contact MAN PLUMBING AND ROOFING Michael Nelson - 0429 291 723 PDQSOXPELQJDQGURRͤ QJ#JPDLO FRP Simulating the outside, inside your home. illume – are easier and neater to install. Unlike a traditional skylight, room temperature is not compromised by a shaft breaking conditions, eliminating heat transfer and maintaining your home's energy HIͤ FLHQF\ 1R EXJV QR OHDNV QR XQKHDOWK\ mould or condensation. illume its Better than a Skylight! See the difference illume can make to your home & workspace! )LWWLQJ DQ LOOXPH͑ UHTXLUHV QR PRGLͤ FDWLRQ WR WKH URRI VWUXFWXUH :LWK DOO URRI PDWHULDOV UHPDLQLQJ LQWDFW Better than a Skylight PATENTED TECHNOLOGY P AMBIENT LIGHT TECHNOLOGY EN14544